Tip Jar makes a difference

Tip Jar makes a difference

*The simple drop of another coin into the tip jar starts a process that will make a difference to someones life in India.

The clink of 50 cents falling into our tip jar resonates a world away as we make it stretch to provide ‘extra’s’ in our children’s home in India.  The last empty of our tip jar provided a brand new air conditioning unit for the home in the Tegalamdi village helping everybody get through the 40 degree + heat of summer.  There was even a little left over to purchase a vacuum cleaner which seems rather mundane but in that village is a real conversation piece and provides a novelty factor to the days clean up.

Making a difference for people on the other side of the world really sends us into a state of bliss, yep we do it from the comforts of a coffee shop in one of the safest countries on earth but when we have so much I believe much is then required of us.  It doesn’t have to be difficult (though a bit of sacrifice for others is not a bad thing for us to experience) for us to help and as much as we can we want to give you the opportunity to be part of the story of freedom for these kids…. So thank you for dropping your coins in our tip jar